Sunday, August 30, 2009

ABCs of ME

A - Attached or Single - happily married
B - Best Friend - Sharon
C - Cake or Pie - Toss up
D - Day of the Week - Friday (date nite)
E - Essential Item - Diet Coke can
F - Favorite Color - Blue
G - Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms - neither
H - Hometown - Garywood Alabama
I - Indulgence - Naps
J - January or July - duh, July
K - Kids - Two fabulous grown sons
L - Life is Incomplete Without - family, I love them all
M - Marriage Date - December 24, 1978
N - Number of Siblings - Five: 3 sisters, 2 brothers
O - Oranges or Apples - oranges (in season)
P - Phobias or Fears - mice!
Q - Quote - "Eat, sleep, and be merry"
R - Reason to Smile - great husband!
S - Season - Spring, the grey begins to dissappear
T - Text or Talk - definitely talk, preferably in person!
U - Unknown Fact - I was a girl scout
V - Vacation Destination - anywhere warm with sand and palm trees, especially in January
W - Worst Habit - scratching my head
X - X-Rays or Ultrasound - ultrasound, take advantage of newer technology
Y - Your Favorite Food - Pizza or Pasta - pasta with sauce
Z - Zodiac Sign - Sagitarrius (Dec 21)

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