Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne."
- Robert Burns

2009 Events:

Feb:  Purchased 2004 Crossfire w/17,700 miles.
Mar:  Nina got new desk-top computer.
June:  Keziah got a trip to Disneyland w/her Dad. 
         Sabrina got a new job as a receptionist.
         Back deck is finally done!  
          My father passed away on the 24th.
July:  Dale got a small raise in spite of the recession. 
         Grandbaby was born on the 12th - Luke.
Aug:  Took a week trip to Las Vegas.
Sept:  My brother passed away on the 19th. 
Oct:  Dale got a new laptop computer.
Nov:  Jordache got a new job as a marketer.
         Sabrina hit her weight loss goal - 30 lbs.
Dec:  Vacationed in Ocean Shores for a week. 

What a year.  Looking toward 2010 with anticipation!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

"I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man
the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!"
- Charles Dickens

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Night Before Christmas

To the rest of the world, today is Christmas Eve.  But to my husband & I, it's our 31st wedding anniversary!  Yes, I can hardly believe it.  My, how time passes!  It's been great to live my life with my most favorite person in the world and my best friend.  Few people get that chance.  I've been one of the fortunate ones.  Looking forward to another 31 years or more together!

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's My Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY > ~Adorable~T "Birthday Dec 21"Ten Ways to Know if You Are a SWAG

(Southern Woman Aging Gracefully)

1. You feel the urge to bake a pound cake after reading the obituaries.

2. You have had professional photographs made of your children barefoot and dressed in their Sunday clothes.

3. You believe that cocktail dresses do not double as church clothes.

4. You’d rather have a fight with your husband than with your best friend.

5. You have stolen magnolia leaves, or you know someone who has.

6. You have monogrammed the middle of your shower curtain.

7. You could live without Yankees who equate your accent with a low IQ.

8. You know better than to eat the potato salad at a family reunion.

9. You are socially conditioned to believe that tanned fat looks better than white fat.

10. Your children hide their Easter baskets and Valentine’s Day candy from you just in case you have a dieting lapse.

There's always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt.

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat has gotten to be really good friends.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

If You Look for Me at Christmas

If you look for Me at Christmas... you won't need a special star,

I'm no longer still in Bethlehem, I'm right there where you are.

You may not be aware of Me amid the celebrations,

You'll have to look beyond the stores and all the decorations.

But if you take a moment from your list of things to do,

And listen to your heart, you'll find I'm waiting there for you.

You're the one I want to be with, you're the reason that I came,

And you'll find me in the stillness as I'm whispering your name.

Love, Jesus

--Author unknown

Saturday, December 12, 2009

First Corinthians 13 Christmas

Home for the HolidaysIf I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls,
but do not show love to my family, I'm just another decorator.

If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime, but do not show love to my family. I'm just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home, and give all that I have to charity,
but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing.

If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir's cantata, but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.

Love stops the cooking to hug the child.

Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the husband.

Love is kind, through harried and tired.

Love doesn't envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens.

Love doesn't yell at the kids to get out of the way.

Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return, but rejoices in giving to those who can't.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost,
golf clubs will rust...but giving the gift of love will endure.

~Author Unknown~

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Twas the Night Before Jesus Came

Twas the night before Jesus came & all thru the house  Not a creature was praying not one in the house.  Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care In hopes that Jesus would not come there.

The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And mom in her rocker with baby on her lap
Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.

When out of the East there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
Away to the window, I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray
I knew in a moment this must be THE DAY!

The light of His face made me cover my head.
It was Jesus! Returning just like He had said.
And through I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.

In the Book of Life which He held in His hand,
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said "It’s not here" my head hung in shame.

The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to His Father above.
With those who were ready He arose without a sound
While all the rest were left standing around.

I fell to my knees, but it was too late;
I had waited too long and thus sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only I had been ready tonight.

In the words of this poem the meaning is clear.
The coming of Jesus is drawing near.
There’s only one life and when comes the last call
We’ll find that the Bible was true after all!

---Author Unknown

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jesus is Better Than Santa

Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh.    
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.

Santa comes but once a year.    
JESUS is an ever present help.

Santa fills your stockings with goodies.    
JESUS supplies all your needs.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited.    
JESUS stands at your door and knocks...then enters your heart.

You have to stand in line to see Santa.    
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap.
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.

Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"    
JESUS knew our name before we did.

Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too.  He knows our history and future and He
even knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly.    
JESUS has a heart full of love.

All Santa can offer is HO HO HO.    
JESUS offers health, help and hope.

Santa says "You better not cry."    
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.

Santa's little helpers make toys. 
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

Santa may make you chuckle but    
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.

While Santa puts gifts under your tree    
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.

It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.

Jesus is still the reason for the season.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

'Tis the Season

To Be Jolly!  You can almost hear the sleighbells in the distance as our neighbors and friends roll out the tinsel in preparation for the season. 

Christmas is anticipated by almost everyone.  Luckily, routine days become brightened by long-awaited holidays. There are many things to be joyful about at Christmas: family gatherings, church programs, festive food, shopping, Christmas cards, gift wrapping, holiday music, parties, gift exchanges, decorated tree, ...

With the recession, I realize that for some, things seem dismal.  Try your best to focus on the good in life, while trusting God to see you through.

Follow me in merry measure, Fa la la la la la la la la... 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Merry Christmas!

One of my most favorite holiday movies is the 1994 make of Little Women starring Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandan.  It's a delightful screen adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's classic 1869 novel. 

Story: With her husband off in the U. S. Civil War serving as chaplain for the Union, Marmee is left alone in New England to raise their four daughters, her little women. There is the spirited & imaginative Jo; conservative & sophisticated Meg; fragile & compassionate Beth; and romantic Amy. The girls share a bond that can't be penetrated by outsiders.  As the years pass, the sisters share some of the most cherished and painful memories of coming of age, as Marmee and Aunt March guide them through issues of independence, romance and virtue. 

The story has lived in my heart for many years.  Love how family connection remains strong in the face of tragedies.